Archives: Events

2nd Transnational Meeting

The 2nd Transnational Meeting will take place in Bifröst, Iceland, hosted by Bifröst University, on the 20th and 21st March 2019. This meeting will have the aim of analyzing the preparatory research study already developed within the project (Intellectual Output 1) and setting a basis for the upcoming activities to take place in the following...

Closing Date for the First Multiplier Event of ifempower

Come and join us! Get yourself a seat in Seville through filling this registration form ! The first multiplier event of ifempower will be held on 11 September 2019 in Seville, Spain. The event under the title ‘How to capture the entrepreneurial potential of women? Best practices and possible synergies in the field of entrepreneurship’...

ifempower talk at Erasmus+ cooperation projects in Bologna

Come and talk with us in Bologna! ifempower is invited to the “Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects’ impact and cross-fertilization on social inclusion and civic engagement” event, for a talk in the prestigious event supported by the University of Bologna. This Transnational Cooperation Activity will be held in Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna, from 25 June...

ifempower at YES!EUSDR in Bucharest

Come and share your brilliant minds! ifempower will be presented at the YES!EUSDR, an official side event organized by the 8th EU Strategy for Danube Region Annual Forum. Share your opinion and thoughts by discussing tools and programs which empower young people to get engaged in entrepreneurship. This event will be held on 27 June...

The First Multiplier Event of ifempower

Come and join us! Get yourself a seat in Seville through filling this registration form before 7 June 2019! In this event, we are inviting experts and stakeholders, active in fields at national or EU levels relevant for female entrepreneurship to present their work through a pitch session. Afterwards, the event will also provide platform...

ifempower at FemCities and the Austrian Association of Cities Conference

Rooftop Conference Hall Urania Uraniastraße 1, Vienna, Austria

Come and join us! ifempower will be presented at the FemCities and the Austrian Association of Cities Conference organised by the City of Vienna Women’s Department (MA57) and the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns to be held on the 24th of September 2019 in Vienna. The goal this time is the exchange of concrete...

ifempower at the ErasmusDays 2019

ifempower will be presented at the ErasmusDays event in Budapest, Hungary, on October 10th 2019. The project, its goals and the achievements so far will be shared. Besides giving an overview about the project’s main aims, the first output will be presented during the event. In the beginning of the strategic partnership with the coordination...