
ifempower Winter School has successfully ended

After a week of intense work, the ifempower Winter School has successfully ended on 6th February 2021. Originally the training would have been held in Stuttgart, hosted by the German project partner Steinbeis GmbH, however due to Covid-19 pandemic it was held online. Nevertheless, the organizers tried to make the most out of the online surfaces: methodology was redesigned, seminars were adjusted and innovative cultural programmes such as virtual concerts and online yoga were held.

ifempower Winter School is a study program for female students selected at the partner universities: Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), Sapientia Hungarian University of Transilvania (Romania), Sigmund Freud University (Austria), and Andalucía Emprende also selected students from Andalusian universities (Spain).

This intensive training consisted of thematic days. Each day had a specific theme, which were made-up by a) a session presented by a speaker b) a group discussion based on self-awareness and c) a special group work to support the development of business ideas of the students.

After getting to know each other on Day1,

#Day2 keynote speech focused on how to start a business in an ever-changing environment held by Mr Jürgen Raizner (Director of Steinbeis Transfer Center EAST-WEST Joint-Ventures).

#Day3 keynote speech was held by Ms Katalin Czirjék (community builder, public speaker, Founder Transylvanian Women Entrepreneurs) helped the students to be prepared for their pitch presentations.

#Day4 an interactive workshop led by Ms Francine Beley (award-winning digital & change strategist specialised in Personal & Executive Branding) emphasized why it is crucial to build a Personal Brand today as a women entrepreneur.

#Day5 of the Winter School, the 3rd multiplier event of ifempower project took place. In the frame of the multiplier event students of the Winter School presented their business ideas to the audience and the invited jury. Jury members, Ms María Nieto Fajardo (senior innovation manager at CTA Public-Private Fund), Ms Eszter Szabó (Founder and first President of Women/Business/Angels) and Ms Katalin Czirjék (Founder Transylvanian Women Entrepreneurs) evaluated the pitches. Students were awarded in the following categories:

  • Ms Petra Böhm was awarded for the Best Business Plan (Corvinus University of Budapest),
  • Ms Ana Rodríguez was awarded for the Best Innovative Idea (Andalúcía Emprende),
  • Ms Sara Mariottini was awarded for the Best Pitch (Andalúcía Emprende),
  • Ms Anabella Bagoly received the Audience Award (Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania).

Apart from the pitches, the main and latest results of ifempower were presented, among others the online toolkit, which is now available and ready to use. Check it out here!

#Day6 keynote speech held by Carmen del Pino Martínez Cáceres (expert in local development and trainer in business and entrepreneurship at Andalúcía Emprende) helped the students to develop their soft skills and improve in networking.

#Day7 as the final day of the week-long training dealt with self-awareness and evaluation.

All week-long MMag. Mariia Lenherr coordinated the group discussions based on self-awareness and Jürgen Raizner supported the students through a special group work to develop their business ideas. Besides, For You acapella music group and Arizóna band contributed with a fantastic concert tailor-made for Winter School participants.

ifempower partnership is already preparing for the Spring School coming up in mid-April 2021. More information about the Winter School and about the upcoming Spring School will be available soon here.

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