ifempower was represented by Virág Zsár, coordinator of Division for International Cooperation of HÉTFA (ifempower project coordinator), at the 12th Business and Professional Women (BPW) Danube Net Forum in Budapest, on the 16th November 2018. The aim of the forum was to highlight that women also has an important role in today’s digital word. Besides, important Hungarian organizations, such as SEED Foundation and Women Business Angels were representing itself. During the conference, Virág Zsár was one of the participants in the first panel discussion about digitalization and the role of women in it. Another panelists, Antónia Rest, CEO of Cloudess and Dorottya Cséve, in the representation of EdUcate were highlighting the importance of soft skills in our even more IT word.
The topic is at high importance for ifempower, since the project aims to support young female students to gain both hard and soft skills which are needed to become an entrepreneur.
Since 2006 the BPW Danube Net is the network for businesswomen and entrepreneurs (Micro/SME) in the Danube Region with strong connection to the BPW AdrioNet. The network is designed to be a platform for the exchange of ideas, opinions and information in the fields of business, work and culture and, furthermore, to introduce to the members and participants of the annual forums business-, network- and skills development opportunities. Last, but not least the aim is to bring together the decision makers (politicians, researchers, institutions) of this region to exchange know-how and best practices.