The ifempower project is starting with an in-depth research on female entrepreneurs in each partner country (Austria, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Spain and Portugal). The research is based on personal interviews and focus groups.
Its objective is to provide a general and comparative overview of the situation of female entrepreneurs in the project partner countries, as well as to reveal relevant stakeholders’ experiences and thoughts on policies to support female entrepreneurship.
The most important outcome of this report is to provide an empirical input so that the ifempower project can successfully develop courses and training material for university students.
At the moment, the first Intellectual Output generated by the project, the research study on female entrepreneurs, is being finalized.
To come to this result, the project partners organized a series of interviews and focus groups with targeted female entrepreneurs.
The testimonies from these women were essential to collect empirical data that can reveal the status-quo of women’s situation in the business world, and also to provide relevant insights with regard to already existing female entrepreneurship policies.
The research study will be available here soon, stay tuned.