Newsletter #4 | July 2021
With this newsletter we invite you to a quick overview about our newest activities and achievements. Hope you will enjoy reading! If you are interested in any of them, let us know.
The ifempower project team
ifempower is a complex project led by HÉTFA Research Institute, and funded by the Erasmus+ programme with the aim of empowering female students at higher education institutions in the field of entrepreneurship.
Final Multiplier Event - 12 July 2021- join us!
After the successful implementation of the 4th Multiplier Event held back-to-back to the ifempower Spring School, the time has come to announce the FINAL Multiplier Event of the ifempower project.
The Final Multiplier Event titled 'Boosting Female Entrepreneurship in the Digital Post-Covid Era' will be dedicated to raising awareness on the project results and its main achievements with a special view on the Final Study which will not only assess the results and related activities developed during the project but will include policy recommendations.
Therefore, the event will gather:
- Higher Education institutions, already launched or wishing to launch women entrepreneurship support modules.
- Businesses, enterprises, business support organizations wishing to support the empowerment of females.
- National & EU decision makers.
The event will be held online on 12th July 2021 between 9:30 and 12:45 CEST (Budapest time). The event will be open for the public and free of charge.
The event was planned to take place in Budapest and hosted by HÉTFA Research Institute, but due to the uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the partnership decided to hold the event virtually. Fortunately, there are many benefits of online meetings that we can take advantage of, including the unlimited number of places and smart tools! Thus, the ifempower project team invites you to join us on this inspiring day!
Get yourself a seat by filling this registration form now. We count on your participation – join us!
Check out the agenda here for more details about the sections and speakers!
The ifempower final study will summarize the outcomes and lessons learnt from the project including good practices and case studies identified. The study will be unique due to the innovatively of the whole project thus an important tool to assess the project activities carried out. It will also include policy recommendations for national & EU level decision makers in order to support the project outputs and their evaluation will be as broadly disseminated and channelled into the relevant places as support the improvement of policies, educational programmes, social attitudes, etc. This study will be the major mean to ensure that project outputs will be transferred to other institutions & countries. The final study will also examine whether envisaged impact of the project in the short term were met. The preliminary results of the Final Study will be presented at the Final Multiplier Event.
The preliminary results of the Final Study will be presented at the Final Multiplier Event.
If you are interested, register for the event here
The ifempower online education platform provide support that is especially made for you!
You may find good practices or specific suggestions to your specific problems based on real entrepreneurs’ expertise, from practical examples and real-life challenges. This toolkit was developed as a complementary support tool to the personal support points developed by the project and it aims to enable visitors to find good practices or specific suggestions to their specific problems.
As it is online and free of charge, it can help female students or women in general who are interested in creating their own business in the EU in various ways, including legislative, administrative, managerial, or personal issues which are based on stakeholder interviews, practical, real-life challenges of female entrepreneurs.
The materials will be available in partner languages (DE, HU, ES, PT and RO) in addition to EN. Coming soon, stay tuned!
Register now!
ifempower Spring School successfully ended on April 2021
After a week of intense work, the ifempower Spring School has successfully ended on 13th April 2021. Originally the training would have been held in Miercurea Ciuc, hosted by the Romanian project partner Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, but due to Covid-19 pandemic it was held online. Based on the lessons learnt from the ifempower Winter School, which also had to be held online, the organizers managed to make the most out of the online format.
ifempower Spring School is a higher education study program for female students selected at the partner universities: Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary), Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania), Sigmund Freud University (Austria). The Spanish project partner, Andalucía Emprende also selected students from Andalusian universities.
This intensive training consisted of thematic days. Each day had a specific theme, which were made-up by a) a session presented by a speaker b) a group discussion based on self-awareness and c) special small-groups work to support the development of business ideas of the students.
During the Spring School, students also had the opportunity to take part in wonderful leisure activities: Moonrise band gave a fantastic concert on the evening of Day3, while Ms Pilar Algaba held a fascinating flamenco workshop and performance after the Multiplier Event, and as a closing accord to the Spring School as well. During the lunch breaks of the Spring School, students also received different online workout videos, provided by Ms Esther Berg, Ms Aliz Molnár, Ms Diána Kovács, and Ms Kata Pongrácz, to move their bodies and freshen up their minds.
The 4th ifempower Multiplier Event took place on 13th April 2021
On behalf of the Project Coordinator, HETFA Research Institute, Ms Fanni Bobák, Senior Project Manager, introduced the project and its main achievements. One of the key project results is the online toolkit, which is an Online Education Platform for female entrepreneurs. The English version of the toolkit is already available via our project website, here. The materials will be available in partner languages (DE, HU, ES, PT and RO) in addition to EN. Coming soon, stay tuned!
The Keynote speech of the morning session was given by Ms Enikő Sógor, Deputy Mayor of Miercurea Ciuc, Transylvania, Romania, where the Multiplier Event would originally take place. Ms Sógor, being also a teacher, psychologist, and psychotherapist spoke about the difficulties women face when they try to break out of traditional roles. Being the first woman fulfilling the role of Deputy Mayor in Miercurea Ciuc, Ms Sógor could speak about first-hand experiences and share her thoughts with the audience.
During the morning session, Ms Erzsébet Fanni Tóth, Lecturer at Sigmund Freud University presented the concept, methods and results of ifempower training schools, which were held between 31/01/2021 – 06/02/2021 (Winter School) and 07/04/2021 – 13/04/2021 (Spring School).
During the morning session, the students of the ifempower Spring School training programme presented their business ideas during the Pitch Session. The pitches were evaluated by the members of the Jury: Ms Clara López Pliego (Consultant and Manager of innovation projects, Barrabés.biz, Spain), Ms Virginie Poncet (Senior Advisor, Bpifrance, France) and Ms Ágnes Puskás (Economist, Chair of BPW Association Budapest and BPW DanubeNet, Hungary).
The Keynote of the afternoon session was dedicated to the situation of female entrepreneurs in the time of COVID-19. The theme was presented by colleagues from HETFA, coordinator of the project, Ms Luca Koltai (Head of Division for Public Policy and Impact Assessment, HETFA, Hungary) and Ms Réka Geambaşu (Senior research fellow, HETFA, Hungary).
HETFA Research Institute launched a research project in May 2020 to better understand the situation of female entrepreneurs during the coronavirus pandemic. The research, based on an online questionnaire survey and personal interviews, examined how female entrepreneurs coped with the difficulties caused by the virus, both on the economic and family fronts. This report provided the baseline for the Keynote. You can find the report here.
After the Keynote, the roundtable discussion moderated by Ms Rosa Siles Moreno (Managing Director of Andalucía Emprende, Spain) focused on the challenges and/or advantages women facing in launching an enterprise during the days of pandemic. Panellists were Ms Gabriela Kostovska-Bogoeska (Executive Director of MIR, Coordinator of WEgate community), Dr. Marie Theres Thiell (Supervisory Board Member and Networker, Vice President of the German Hungarian Chamber of Commerce) Ms Ralitsa Zhekova (Executive Director of RAPIV) and Ms Sophie Rendl (Co-founder of Frauendomäne).
We would like to invite you to our FINAL Multiplier Event of ifempower project, which will be held on 12 July 2021. Please, save the date and spread the word about it.
The registration is already open! Get yourself a seat by filling this registration form now. We count on your participation – join us!
Check out the agenda here for more details about the sections and speakers!
News & Events
ifempower keeps its News & Events pages up-to-date with latest information about our project’s activities and also promoting other initiatives related with female entrepreneurship that can be very interesting for you. The project has turned into its last semester, so it is especially important to check the website where all the latest updates and outputs are available. Check these pages regularly for updates here:
To get engaged in self-employment and entrepreneurship, especially to empower females; ifempower encourage you to:
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• latest updates about female entrepreneurship development;
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• innovative insights for female entrepreneurship.
ifempower newsletter was published and distributed by SPI. ifempower project is coordinated by HÉTFA.
ifempower received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under the registration number 2018-1-HU01-KA203-047766. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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